‘In today’s connected world, a brand’s voice is no longer solely defined by the brand, but also by public feedback — largely online. So how you manage your company’s online reputation matters. It’s about promoting and protecting your brand so it can be discovered, followed, recommended and even defended in a predominantly digital marketplace. And it’s not as easy as simply running your own website or social media pages.’ BARE shares an article by Colson Hillier for Forbes on getting started and using online reputation management.
Are you interested in making an impact on your operational and service results? Are you concerned that standards have fallen due to a lack of corporate budget for monitoring? Do you want to make a difference with a nominal investment in time and money?
There is a saying, “You cannot manage what you do not measure”. Linda Amraen, Global Director of Client Services of Hospitality at BARE International, provides an overview of the Self-Audit methodology and why deploying Self-Audit to ensure your team is performing according to standards is important in mitigation of risk and overall improvement.
‘The crisis followed by the pandemic has caused a huge change in consumer behaviour. Consumers don’t react in the same way we could see in the past; therefore, we have to redesign the relationship and put it on a new footing, which should make customer experience a high priority. A company can maintain its position in the market situation if they consider this period as an opportunity, being able to develop new strategies and address customers in a new way and tone. BARE shares an article by Judit Radnai-Tóth, founder of Talentbrand, co-founder of the ExperienceCon virtual conference.
‘Social media has come a long way from photo posts, likes and comments. More and more of today’s retailers and brands are using social platforms as influential tools to sell their products and services.’ BARE shares an article by Gabe Larsen for Retail Customer Experience on maximizing social connection and enhancing customer experience.
We’re very excited to be attending the ExperienceCon virtual conference on March 11th and you have a chance to win a free ticket!
If you’ve ever worked in the service industry at any level, chances are that the thought of a mystery guest or a mystery shopper fills you with dread or anxiety. You never know who it might be, so you always have to put your best foot forward. Moreover, the whole staff has to remain on high alert so as not to make an accidental mistake.
‘There has been a step-change in behavior since last year with customers relying more on text messaging when communicating with retailers.’ BARE shares an article by Shelley Kohan for Forbes on SMS text messaging customers.
‘Besides COVID-19, climate change is one of the biggest challenges we’re facing this decade, but the good news is there is ample opportunity for innovation. Some companies have caught on, proving that some segments of the economy are actually thriving under the circumstances.’ BARE shares an article by Claudia Alarcon for Forbes on sustainable and plant-based online grocery stores.
‘The idea that the pandemic has accelerated pre-existing trends is talked about so much that it’s become a cliché. But it’s become a cliché because it’s true and for retailers with physical stores, that has meaningful implications.’ BARE shares an article by Richard Kestenbaum for Forbes with new changes for retail in 2021.